We’ve compiled some Tri-Valley resources that aim to monitor or improve the air quality.
A full list (with links) and a brief description of each resource can be found below.
If you notice unknown and unresolved sources of pollution, you can report an Air Pollution Complaint from the Bay Area Air District website, and an inspector will look into it for you.
Current Local Air Quality
Find out what the air quality is in the Tri-Valley, in real time. This website shows the pollutant with the highest AQI in the area.
Spare the Air
Established by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, this program aims to combat air pollution in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Since 1967, the California Air Resources Board has partnered with communities across California for air protection
Clean Cars for All
Find grants for income-qualified Bay Area residents to retire their older cars and replace it with a cleaner vehicle.
Air Cleaner Information
From the California Air Resources Board, learn about which air cleaning devices can be used to keep the air you breath clean.
Extreme PM2.5
Wildfires are a part of life in California. Learn about how to protect yourself from hazardous air quality levels with advice from the BAAQMD.
American Lung Association’s California Healthy Air Initiatives
The American Lung Association has a suggestion of initiatives in their fight for healthy air. 38 million California residents live in counties where ozone or particle pollution placed their health at risk. Learn what the association suggests to mitigate them.
Bay Area Air Quality Management
A public agency that regulates stationary sources of air pollution in the San Francisco Bay Area as well as provides information on air quality and emissions.
Spare the Air: Cool the Climate
A blueprint for clean air and climate protection in the Bay Area by Bay Area Quality Management District, adopted April 19, 2017.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is an agency that works to protect the environment and human health.
The California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) is an agency that protects and improves California’s environment, public health, and economic vitality.