Contact TVAQCA Outreach Director, Ann Brown, for scheduling facilitated lessons, obtaining resource materials, and other support for your classroom or club.

*Facilitated lessons
Grades 5-12: Earth Science – Atmosphere
What is the Tri-Valley Airshed?
An overview of Tri-Valley Airshed is a 9 slide presentation on our homepage. This can be facilitated by the classroom teacher, or viewed independently.
Grades 6-12: NGSS & Common Core Aligned, Earth Science – Atmosphere
*Kids Making Sense
Sonoma Technology
Kids Making Sense
A hands-on way to teach youth how to measure air pollution using air quality sensors and to interpret the data they collect. TVAQCA can provide a guest teacher and bring the full kit for your classroom. We will customize lesson(s) to your grade level.
Grades 5-8: Physical Science
*What’s in Air?
Dan Bergemann, TOPS Science
An exploration of the states of matter and the chemical composition of air, using candles, dry ice, and data gathering. Including worksheet students complete to understand atoms and molecules. Ideally this lesson comes first to understand what our atmosphere is prior to other lessons exploring air pollution and climate change.
Grades 7-10: Health
*Health Class Lesson
A localized lesson on our Tri-Valley Air Quality issues, with slides and a hands- on activity, “Whirling, Swirling Air Pollution”.
Grades K-12: Community & Civic Organizations, Health, Student Leadership
Air Quality Flag Program
Air Quality Flag Program Main Page |
Fly a real or virtual flag that corresponds to how clean or polluted the air is. The color of the flag matches EPA’s Air Quality Index (AQI): green, yellow, orange, red, and purple. On unhealthy days, your school or organization can adjust physical activities to help reduce exposure to air pollution, while still keeping people active.
Grades K-12: Social Studies, English Language Arts, Civics
*AirNow K – 12 Lesson Plans by Grade Levels
Air Quality Flag Program Classroom Curriculum Publications |
These lessons can accompany the adoption of the Air Flags, or can stand alone. TVAQCA may provide materials and a guest educator, if needed.
Grades 5-7: Health, English/Language Arts
Voices of Youth – “Let’s Talk Air Pollution”
We can use a locally designed parachute and Earth Ball for a fun Climate Solutions game. Many other topics available.
Grades K-12
*Nature-based Air Quality & Climate Solutions on the Schoolyard
Lesson(s) will be customized to your site and interests. One example: Symbiotic Schoolyard
CA Native Plants and Tree Nursery, Planting, & Stewardship; Composting, water-wise edible gardens, enhancing wildlife habitat.
*Facilitated lessons
Grades 5-9: Common Core Aligned, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Civics
*Climate Classroom
Citizens’ Climate Education
Climate Classroom – Youth Volunteering | CCL Youth
A flexible, multi-disciplinary middle school curriculum, designed to give students a toolkit of advocacy skills for climate solutions! Can be facilitated by trained educators. 14 lessons, 3 modules: Impacts of Climate Change, Solutions for Climate Change, Take Action. Pick and choose modules and lessons.
Grades 5-12, Adult: Environmental Studies, Civics, Economics
*En-ROADS Climate Solutions Simulator
Climate Interactive
This online simulator enables students to test out 18 different climate policies and strategies and see the immediate effect on global temperature rise, and many other factors. The tool includes equity and multi-solving co-benefits for each solution.
Grades K-12
*Nature-based Air Quality & Climate Solutions on the Schoolyard
Lesson(s) will be customized to your site and interests. One example: Symbiotic Schoolyard
CA Native Plants and Tree Nursery, Planting, & Stewardship; Composting, water-wise edible gardens, enhancing wildlife habitat.
*Climate Solutions Interactive Games
Project W.E.T., Project Learning Tree, Kahoot!
Register to receive a free tree for Earth Day to plant with your child
*Please put your child’s school name in the Comments section.
More information about this program (website, Facebook). For further questions, please check out the Parent FAQs.
To submit a photo of your child with their tree for sharing, contact
Para obtener más información sobre este programa (web, Facebook)
Si tiene preguntas sobre el programa de TVAQCA o desea enviar una foto de su hijo con su árbol para compartir, comuníquese con, 415-246-7697. Se habla espanol.
Do you have a Climate or Air Quality topic and/or activity type that you would like local connections to? Please contact us at or
Elementary Grades Clean Air Pledge