Click here to see more on what the Tri-Valley is working on to improve community climate resilience. Climate Action Plans (CAP) is included in the city’s General Plans.
California Air Quality Goals: 2022 Scoping Plan
#TVAQCATalks2022ScopingPlan As the fifth largest economy in the world, California plans to be carbon neutral by 2045, but how?
Since Assembly Bill 32 (The Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006) has passed, progress is reviewed at least every 5 years, 2008, 2013, 2017, and most recently, 2022 to check our progress and plan the next step.
AB1346: Electrifying Landscaping Equipment
Click here to learn more about Zero Emission Equipment (ZEE) Program.
Air Quality Fundamentals
The California Air Resources Board now offer a video series on Air Quality Fundamentals on the following topics in both Spanish (click here) and English (click here):
☁Air pollutants & sources
☁Health effects of air pollution
☁The regulatory process, systems, and technology to reduce pollution
Climate Policies
See how global climate policy news can impact us locally.